Friday, December 19, 2008

How DTC Works (2) - Finish

Speed Control

Step 5 Torque Reference Controller

Within the Torque Reference Controller, the speed control output is limited by the torque limits and DC bus voltage. It also includes speed control for cases when an external torque signal is used. The internal torque reference from this block is fed to the Torque Comparator.

Step 6 Speed Controller

The Speed Controller block consists both of a PID controller and an acceleration compensator. The external speed reference signal is compared to the actual speed produced in the Motor Model. The error signal is then fed to both the PID controller and the acceleration compensator. The output is the sum of outputs from both of them.

Step 7 Flux Reference Controller

An absolute value of stator flux can be given from the Flux Reference Controller to the Flux Comparator block. The ability to control and modify this absolute value provides an easy way to realise many inverter functions such as Flux Optimisation and Flux Braking.


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