Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Hydraulic Pump Power

The ideal hydraulic power to drive a pump depends on the mass flow rate, the liquid density and the differential height ..........

either it is the static lift from one height to an other, or the friction head loss component of the system can be calculated as :

Ph = q ρ g h / 3.6*10^6

where :
Ph = power (kW)
q = flow capacity (m3/h)
ρ = density of fluid (kg/m3)
g = gravity (9.81 m/s2)
h = differential head (m)

Shaft Pump Power
The shaft power - the power required transferred from the motor to the shaft of the pump - depends on the efficiency of the pump and can be calculated as

Ps = Ph / η

where :
Ps = shaft power (kW)
η = pump efficiency

BHP (Brake Horse Power)

BHP = (q x h x sg) / (3960 x eff)

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