Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Other Aspects of Static Electricity

In order to select the correct equipment for a given application it is important to know the magnitude, and in some instances, the polarity of the charge to be neutralised. In cases where AC eliminators are to be used it is important to know the magnitude of the static charge so that the correct eliminator bar can be selected. In cases where Pulsed DC equipment is to be used, both the magnitude and the polarity of the static charge are important to allow the power and bias of the output to be set correctly. Whilst it is quite difficult to measure the actual amount of surface charge the surface voltage can be measured by looking at the electric field it generates.

High Accuracy Balanced Neutralisation
In the majority of applications the reduction of a static charge to a few hundred volts is normally sufficient to eliminate dust attraction and misbehaviour of the product. However in the electronics industry static charges of a few hundred volts can have disastrous consequences with modern micro-processor chips. In these instances it is important to ensure that the ionisation delivered by the neutralisation system is balanced.
Static Generation
As well as neutralising static it is also possible to generate static charges in materials by the use of high voltages. By passing materials through intense electric fields it is possible to charge materials either positively or negatively. This charge can be of assistance in a manufacturing process. A common usage of static generation is in high frequency welding applications where induced static charges are used to temporarily bond one item to another to hold them in place during the welding process.

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