Monday, January 26, 2009

Motor Analysis (1)

1. Introduction

When it comes to motor condition analysis, infrared (IR) and vibration will not provide all the answers required to properly characterize motor condition. Over the past several years, motor condition analysis techniques have evolved from simple meggering and hi-pot testing into testing techniques that more accurately define a motor’s condition.

Motor faults or conditions like winding short-circuits, open coils, improper torque settings, as well as many mechanically related problems can be diagnosed using motor analysis techniques. Use of these predictive maintenance techniques and technologies to evaluate winding insulation and motor condition has not grown as rapidly as other predictive techniques. Motor analysis equipment remains fairly expensive and proper analysis requires a high degree of skill and knowledge. Recent advances in equipment portability and an increase in the number of vendors providing contracted testing services continue to advance predictive motor analysis techniques. Currently, more than 20 different types of motor tests exist, depending on how the individual tests are defined and grouped. The section below provides an overview of two commonly used tests.

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