Friday, April 3, 2009

Using Work Management Best Practices to Achieve Asset Optimization (3)

Stage Two: Proactive Maintenance

Proactive maintenance is of vital importance to asset-intensive companies. By performing preventive maintenance, companies are able to prevent problems with assets and minimize the risk of sudden failure. Firms are then in a better position to optimize asset availability, increase productivity, and reduce maintenance costs and capital outlays.

To perform preventive and predictive maintenance effectively, companies need to implement an
integrated solution that allows them to generate, store, and act on the data they need to support their maintenance programs. Best practices that facilitate proactive maintenance can be associated with:
• Equipment history tracking for capturing data about equipment that helps with making decisions about maintenance and eventual retirement.
• Preventive maintenance for developing maintenance plans that reflect calendar- or usagebased
• Condition-based maintenance for continually monitoring physical attributes that collectively indicate the condition of an asset and using this information to perform maintenance only when factors indicate a potential problem.
• Reliability-centered maintenance for developing maintenance plans based on the reliability and criticality of various components of each piece of equipment.

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