Actual power used by the device is measured in kW, reactive power created by induction devices is measured in kVAr, and the apparent power in the supply lines is measured in kVA. The mathematical relationships between these types of power are described by the “power triangle” shown below. For example,
The ratio of the actual power consumed by equipment (Pa) to the power supplied to equipment (Ps) is called the power factor.
PF = Pa / Ps = kW / kVA = cos Phi
Devices which generate/require large amounts of reactive power in relation to actual power consumed have low power factors. Such devices include:
• Motors
• HID and fluorescent lights with low PF ballasts
• Devices which convert AC power to DC power such as:
• DC drives
• Welding machines
• VFDs
• Induction furnaces
Fully loaded motors generally have a power factor of about 80%. However, if the motor is under loaded, the fraction of reactive power (for the coil) to actual power (for mechanical work) increases and the power factor decreases.
Two potential problems are associated with low power factor. First many utilities have explicit or implicit charges for low power factor. Second, low power factor increases the current, and hence losses, in transformers and the electrical distribution system. These losses cost money and generate excess heat in the electrical distribution system, which may shorten equipment lifetime or cause production shut downs. These potential problems are discussed in the sections that follow.
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