Monday, November 1, 2010

High Performance Inverter

Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan Anda dalam penggunaan inverter untuk pengaturan speed, energy saving dsb, kami, Crescendo Teknik, menyediakan inverter merk Invt (China), dengan kualitas terbaik, sanggup bersaing dengan merk-merk lain yang sudah terlebih dahulu ada, baik dari Eropa, Amerika, Jepang dan Korea. Dan tentu saja dengan harga lebih ekonomis. Bergaransi.

CHF100A series High Performance Universal InverterSpecial Inverter for Synchronous Control

CHF100A series high performance universal inverter is the enhanced edition of CHF series, which is combined the advantage of CHF100 & CHE100. It adopts the DSP control system supplies sensorless vector control and V/f control. The performance is more perfect and stable. It is widely applied in Pump & Fan and some applications with high speed control accuracy, rapid torque response and high performance at low frequency.

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