Monday, December 22, 2008

Reliance PSC5000 Fault Lo

Today I have problem with Reliance PSC5000. Fault messages that appeared is Lo.

See picture below :
From instruction manual said the problem is "Configuration file has not been loaded"
Problem solving what I done :
Take the memory card backup, insert to PSC5000, push switch to reset position, wait about 3 seconds & release it. PSC will load program from memory card, but when loading, fault "CE" appeared. CE means Card Error. I tried other memory card, still same. Program can't load to PSC. When online with software PSC4000, card's content can't displayed, invalid data.
I have 2 memory cards, same problem. I didn't think problem came from memory card.

Instruction manual said if we want to complete reset all program, disconnect battery inside PSC, turn on the power, then all program inside will disappear. Connect battery again. I did it.
After power on, 7-segment on PSC displayed b3. I can't find it in manual.
Tried to download program again from memory card for few times, but still same conditions. Fault Lo.
What should I do ? I don't have spare PSC5000.
Finally, I became desperate, then I tried again (for the last time), to download again, but now I push reset switch for few times (may be 3 times), and then ............. wow........... its work.
What is the actual problem ???? I must prepare new spare a.s.a.p

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