Friday, January 30, 2009

Fans (3)

6. Maintenance of Fans

Typically, fans provide years of trouble-free operation with relatively minimal maintenance. However, this high reliability can lead to a false sense of security resulting in maintenance neglect and eventual failure. Due to their prominence within HVAC and other process systems (without the fan operating, the system shuts down), fans need to remain high on the maintenance activity list.

Most fan maintenance activities center on cleaning housings and fan blades, lubricating and checking seals, adjusting belts, checking bearings and structural members, and tracking vibration.

7. Diagnostic Tools

Ultrasonic analyzer – Air moving systems emit very distinct sound patterns around bearings and fan blades. In most cases, these sounds are not audible to the unaided ear or are drown-out by other equipment noises. Using an ultrasonic detector, the analyst is able to isolate the frequency of sound being emitted by the bearing or blades. Changes in these ultrasonic wave emissions are indicative of changes in equipment condition-some of these changes can be a precursor to component degradation and failure.
Vibration analyzer – Within air moving systems, there are many moving parts, most in rotational motion. These parts generate a distinct pattern and level of vibration. Using a vibration analyzer and signature analysis software, the analyst can discern the vibration amplitude of the point on the equipment being monitored. This amplitude is then compared with trended readings. Changes in these readings are indicative of changes in equipment condition.

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